The event is free of charge for report creators. Ticket for business professionals’ cost 99 EUR, or you can request a free invitation from selected Microsoft Partners in your country.
Event Overview
Winners of the event

- Ana Buljubašić, Ivan Mislav Radonić, Dino Marinčić, Ana Rutar (Span Plc.)
- Croatia
- Retail sales overview with analysis for promotion planning
- View video
- View report

- Mauricio Saez
- Canada
- Pro-active day to day sales operation management with golden KPIs
- View video
- View report

- Samat Zhumanov
- Kazakhstan
- Dashboard to monitor sales and employee performance
- View video
- View report
Best of the Rest

- Timo Bauer, Ralf Hanrieder (implemented! GmbH)
- Germany
- Exploring factors impacting sales pipeline
- View video
- View report

- Farman Syed
- Canada
- Sales overview and analysis for a travel company
- View video
- View report

- Tatyana Leonova
- Russian Federation
- Tracking dynamics of CRM deals with a long-term life cycle
- View video
- View report
Why participate?

Power BI Report Creators
Help to solve critical sales data challenges and win valuable prizes (total prize pool 10 000+ EUR)
Gain deeper understanding of business needs in sales reporting
Expand your knowledge in Power BI and data visualization, discover new tools and capabilities
Learn to build reports with interactive data visualizations with a chance to win valuable prizes
Engage with the Power BI community on multi-country level and gain international recognition

Business Community
Boost your sales and business results by learning to leverage data
Discover how data exploration can be as easy as “touch & get it”.
Learn from industry experts and peers, listen to their success and failure stories in BI and data management
Be the first to access and evaluate the next generation sales reports developed by report creators from 24+ countries
Bring back to your organization actionable ideas and report examples to take sales reporting to the next level
Sales report competition
Pick a relevant problem in sales reporting, create report that addresses it, learn and expand your skills in the process. Best solutions will be rewarded.
Who can participate
Report creators with a background in Power BI.
Business problems to solve
We will introduce a variety of sales reporting challenges. You will decide on which one you would like to work on.
Conditions for report building
Reports have to be built using capabilities of Power BI platform and ZoomCharts visuals.
Submission process
You will be asked to submit a .pbix file, an embed link to the report, and a short screencast video demonstrating capabilities of the report.
Choosing the best reports
All submitted reports will be evaluated by an internal jury. Top 10 reports will be passed further for voting to the business community.
Main Evaluation criteria
Reports will be evaluated by their ease of use, interactivity, design and an ability to solve the selected sales reporting problem.
Overview of the competition requirements
The initial report evaluation and selection of the Top 10 reports will be carried out by Ernst & Young- a well-known international auditor company. The business community from 24 countries will evaluate selected top reports and determine the winners of the challenge.
May 19
Event opening
May 19 - May 30
Sales report bootcamp
Training sessions for Power BI report creators
Online webinars for business community
May 31
Submission deadline for reports
June 1
Report pre-evaluation and Top 10 selection
June 3 -June 4
Top 10 report evaluation by business community
June 5
Event closing and award ceremony
Speakers and online webinars
International speakers and carefully crafted topics for data novices and professionals. Choose report creator or business track, or attend both!
Browse all sessions
Yes, you can attend the event as a spectator. However, you submitting a report will be a great contribution to solving business problems present in many industries.
You have to be at least 18 years old and with a previous experience in Power BI report creation.
You can see the overview of requirements here
No, we will not provide ready-to-use data sets. It will be up to you to either synthesize the dataset or acquire and anonymize data from your company. We will provide training to help you with this part of the task.
Yes. We will offer two tracks – one for report creators and one for the business community. You are welcome to attend any event from both tracks.
All participants who submit the report that meets submission criteria will receive a digital diploma confirming participation in the event. Top 10 report creators will receive a special recognition, signed by ZoomCharts and Microsoft
No. You can work on one sales reporting problem and submit one report.
Yes. All report creators participating in the report contest can ask task related question by writing to [email protected]. There will also be a live Q&A session available during the event.
Yes, there are multiple sponsorship packages available. Please apply by writing to [email protected]